Is Tax Executives Institute For You?
What's Membership All About ..
Why Should You Join?
TEI sponsors more than 600 education programs a year. The Institute offers seminars on federal, international, state & local, and financial reporting topics; Annual and Midyear Conferences; and week-long, in-depth tax courses on federal and international tax matters.
TEI’s 16 technical and advisory committees develop TEI’s positions on technical matters, plan the Institute’s education programs, and interact with tax officials at every level. Your involvement in TEI’s committees can take many forms. Our career center can help promote you.
The effectiveness of TEI’s advocacy efforts is directly related to the active involvement of our members. TEI advocates to improve overall tax administration through uniform enforcement of tax law, while minimizing administrative and compliance costs.
Temporarily unemployed members whose dues remain up to date may continue their membership for the current year plus two additional years while they seek a full-time in-house position. SVC adds complimentary meeting status also for attending seminars.